Monday, February 23, 2009

Welcome To Community of Rat Bastards

Let's face it, we have all come across people who really are Rat Bastards. It could be your boss, your ex, a co-worker anyone in general that just really pisses you off.

I have thought about this blog for several years now and I finally decided to go forth and get it up on the internet. Now many of you will have an opportunity to vent about the Rat Bastard in
your life.

Here is how it works, add a comment on who the Rat Bastard is in your life. All I ask is that you don't use their real name. Give us an overview why this person is such a Rat Bastard, at the end of each month, we will have a vote on who is the winning Rat Bastard. Give it a go, I know there are millions of Rat Bastards out there. Come on, start posting on your Rat Bastard. It's going to be a great place to vent, and let others decide if your Rat Bastard has any merit.